Looking To Connect With Designers Who Code (or vice versa)

Howdy, I am brand new here. I am from Lancaster, Pa (land of the Amish).

I believe in "learning in public," if you are wondering what this is, here is an article swyx.io/learn-in-public.

My goal for my blog is

  1. To get feedback from others in the industry.
  2. To inspire and teach others what I have learned.
  3. To process what I am learning.
  4. To build a body of work.
  5. To position myself in the marketplace for future employment.
  6. To partner with other creatives
  7. To find my tribe, i.e., to connect with others who love to coding, designing, and illustrating.

Feel free to reach out to me. I offer fresh eyes to your work and would love to serve you in any way I can.

I am excited to be here and I would love to connect.

Let me know in the comments below if any of my goals resonate with you.